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14 March 2024 - 14 May 2024
MUSAE Matchmaking

This booklet introduces 12 future food and technology scenarios developed by the 12 artists participating in the first residency programme of the MUSAE project.
As an applicant, you are requested to choose one of the 12 scenarios and align your proposal with it. It is only possible to direct one proposal to one scenario, and not multiple ones.

Each scenario is a comprehensive framework comprising variouselements and avenues of exploration in the domain of food and technology.

Each scenario consists of various elements: a narrative, images, emerging trends and a set of elements that collectively define the future landscape.

Each scenario is accompanied by a video, recorded by the artist who developed it, as a medium to help you to delve into the scenario's world.

You will find a definition of the scenario, and how scenarios have been developed and are applied in the MUSAE project. Further, you will find the detailed description of each scenario composed by Scenario narrative, constructed by an artist, Keywords and Opportunities which we have developed to assist you in aligning your proposal with potential real-world applications. In this section, we define possible sectors and technologies for which a particular scenario is an optimal fit.

In the First Residency of MUSAE project, future scenarios were developed by following the Design Futures Art-driven method, and are based on the research of current trends and developments in diverse areas of ‘Food as Medicine’.

In the Second Residency of MUSAE project, starting from one of the future scenarios in this booklet, the teams of artists and SMEs will develop future-driven concepts and prototypes of TRL5 applying one of the three technologies (AI, Robotics, Wearables).

Scenarios are the tools for envisioning possible futures with sufficient detail to explore various aspects of the future, and reveal the opportunities available for innovation.

Click here to download the MUSAE scenario booklet

The Scenarios

    Closed since 14 May 2024
    Italy 14
    Spain 13
    Germany 6
    Netherlands 5
    Serbia 5
    United Kingdom 4
    Greece 4
    Finland 3
    Portugal 2
    Belgium 2
    Nigeria 2
    Denmark 2
    Austria 2
    Poland 2
    Sweden 2
    Romania 2
    India 2
    Croatia 1
    Ireland 1
    Taiwan 1
    France 1
    Thailand 1
    Iceland 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Total 79